I have completed my +2 class in non medical & I have two months free. In june I am going abroad for further studies in civil diploma.So in two months I want to learn any computer language . Is C+ beneficial in civil enginering
Dear Guramit, 1. Software Development for civil engineering field requires knowledge of civil engineering, applied mathematics and programming. Programming may be in C or in some other language or simply with a mathematical tool. It depends upon the problem arising in engineering design. Mathematical tools like MATLAB, MathCAD, Mathematica, Tex, Latex, etc. or sometimes FORTRAN is utilized in various different aspects like writing, writing like a program, for analyzing, etc. 2. During studies you are required to learn the programming skills so as to model the problems related with engineering design. This is learnt as mandatory subject. 3
Dear Guramit, 1. Software Development for civil engineering field requires knowledge of civil engineering, applied mathematics and programming. Programming may be in C or in some other language or simply with a mathematical tool. It depends upon the problem arising in engineering design. Mathematical tools like MATLAB, MathCAD, Mathematica, Tex, Latex, etc. or sometimes FORTRAN is utilized in various different aspects like writing, writing like a program, for analyzing, etc. 2. During studies you are required to learn the programming skills so as to model the problems related with engineering design. This is learnt as mandatory subject. 3. Programming in languages like C or I must say high level languages is always beneficial in numerically analysing the data. This is learnt by every engineering student as a subject of Numerical Techniques or Numerical Techniques & Computer Programming or simply Numerical Analysis. FORTRAN like languages are more suited in the problems when problems are fully mathematical in nature and you need to write them in a program and in a very easy manner. Commands in FORTRAN are easy that one can write them fast. That kind of programming is complicated in C. 4. Any high level language of today, is basically an advanced form of C and C has its origin in B (BASIC). If you are going to study a diploma in civil engineering then you are going to study the programming too and C is obvious then. Best of luck! Thank you.
Dear Guramit,
1. Software Development for civil engineering field requires knowledge of civil engineering, applied mathematics and programming. Programming may be in C or in some other language or simply with a mathematical tool. It depends upon the problem arising in engineering design. Mathematical tools like MATLAB, MathCAD, Mathematica, Tex, Latex, etc. or sometimes FORTRAN is utilized in various different aspects like writing, writing like a program, for analyzing, etc.
2. During studies you are required to learn the programming skills so as to model the problems related with engineering design. This is learnt as mandatory subject.
3. Programming in languages like C or I must say high level languages is always beneficial in numerically analysing the data. This is learnt by every engineering student as a subject of Numerical Techniques or Numerical Techniques & Computer Programming or simply Numerical Analysis. FORTRAN like languages are more suited in the problems when problems are fully mathematical in nature and you need to write them in a program and in a very easy manner. Commands in FORTRAN are easy that one can write them fast. That kind of programming is complicated in C.
4. Any high level language of today, is basically an advanced form of C and C has its origin in B (BASIC).
If you are going to study a diploma in civil engineering then you are going to study the programming too and C is obvious then.
Best of luck!
Thank you.
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