Should I opt for higher studies or pursue a job after completing a course in hotel management and why?

0 58 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its | Scholar-Level 17

    6 years ago
    It's better to opt for a job after hotel management course as this is more of the individual customer oriented job. You need to interact with individuals day in and day out. You need to interact with each and every customer in a different tone, Not only domestic but foreign tourists too. So, you need to focus on both English, Hindi and other foreign languages too. Many hotels and bigger brands have a different tradition which the employee needs to follow and stick to it without fail. Learning the Knitty-gritty's at an earlier stage will be better irrespective of the industry you are working for. So, these all you can get only through e
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    varun Oza Pilot | Contributor-Level 6

    6 years ago
    There is no such thing as too much education. In today's competitive world, the more, the better. If a student is not bound by financial difficulties and can afford to study for two more years, even after completing his Hotel Management, he should definitely go for it. There are many courses like an MBA, training for Cabin Crew, and even extracurricular courses like bartending etc. that a person can pursue, which will not only teach him/her a new skill, but would also look good on their resumes for a first year hotel management employee. Having an MBA alongside such courses can help you climb up the ladder in the company you will optio
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    It's like a Shakspearan dilemma!! To be or not to be!! Pursuing a job is of course what all of us ultimately do unless we venture out into a business. Spending some years in a job is an experience in itself. Particularly if it's first job. There is so much to learn. So much to test against what was taught in classes. Nuances, differences and similarities all teach us something or the other. It also helps us decide our future course of action. Continue with job or take time off to study further. On the other hand, if we decide to pursue higher studies, after completion of minimal required or graduation, it is a but simpler since o

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