What are some helpful tips for students starting their first year at Imperial College of Engineering and Research?

0 8 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Shivani

  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Abhinav Singh

    a year ago

    For ICOER, specific for boys while getting a hostel make sure it has a stable internet connections, 24/7 water supply and an inhostel mess/ kitchen. Make sure the hostel is not a co-ed to avoid unecessary restrictions and distractions.

    And about first years some tips in general are:

    1: Get organized, learn time-management and make room for self improvement

    2: Explore different societies and events to learn new skills and find your thing

    3: Avoid stuff that causes you to get distracted like smoking, alcohols

    4: Enjoy your college life just don't spend every second of your life in the books, academic is important but co-curriculur activity is

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    YASH SHARMA | Scholar-Level 17

    a year ago

    Here are some helpful tips for students starting their first year at Imperial College of Engineering and Research:

    1. Get organized. Create a study schedule, keep track of your assignments, and stay on top of your deadlines.
    2. Take advantage of the resources available to you. Use the library, online resources, and your classmates for help with your studies.
    3. Get involved in extracurricular activities. There's something for everyone at Imperial College, so find something you're interested in and get involved.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're struggling with something, don't be afraid to ask for help from your professors, tutors, or clas

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