What are some interesting answers that were given in NID Interview?

0 659 Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    jigyasa arya | Contributor-Level 9

    6 years ago
    National Institute of Designing interviews are held only to check whether you are really interested in that course or not. They want to see how keen you are to pursue for that particular course and what is the reason behind it. Personal interviews are not to check your abilities or the speaking skills or the language because you have already cleared the GAT (General Ability Test), so it's clear to them that you are good at English language and you have knowledge about design and you are creative.
    So, they only ask you very general questions like:
    - Tell me something about yourself?
    - Where are you from?
    - What do your parents do?
    - W
  • H

    Answered by

    Humera Akhtar | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    Below answer that was given in NID is quite interesting.
    Q: You have to Survive on Rs 20/ only from 5 AM in the morning till 10 PM at night at your own and away from the residential areas.
    Describe your plan for the day and how you spend your money. Give the breakup in detail? The beauty of these questions lies in the inexactness of the answers: the fact that such questions can have multiple answers and all can be correct. One thing is clear you cant prepare for NID Test the same way you prepare for Medical or Engineering entrance test.
    Some spontaneous options suggested by students:OPTION I
    I'll drink tea & buy vada pav from a local vendo
  • N

    Answered by

    Neeru Sikka

    6 years ago
    Any NID aspirant may ask, why ask theory questions to check creativity? Answer: Now, these questions were not always a part of NID DAT. Before the year 2009, hardly any theory questions were asked, but in the year 2009, NID DAT became NEED & theory questions became an important part of the exam also contributing a significant bulk to the total weightage. Coming back to the above question, why ask theory questions to check creativity? This is because apart from creative skills, the exam also aims to check an individuals observation skill, aptitude & awareness levels. This can be done in the form of either drawing questions or theory que

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