What are the benefits of having a PhD degree?

0 133 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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  • H

    Answered by

    Harsha Sinha | Guide-Level 12

    a month ago


    Let me first try to dispel the most commonly held myth, "Ph.D is a training to become a university professor". This is not true. If a professor graduates 5 Ph.Ds in his lifetime, and if all of them get employed in academia, then the size of academia needs to increase five fold. However, this does not happen.

    The proportion of Ph.Ds that join academia is not very large, and is definitely not the most preferred option or the last resort. Before delving into this issue further, we need to understand that a Ph.D is just not a degree. It is the training that is valuable than the actual "Dr." stamp itself. In a goo

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    Answered by

    Dr Debashri banerjee Assistant professor Philosophy C.R.P. College | Contributor-Level 6

    6 years ago
    At the end of the day, Ph.D will help you to secure good job on good post as most of the institutions ask for it. So, if you decide to make your career in teaching profession, this degree is mostly helpful. But, if you want to make your career in marketing or finance department or want to work in private sectors like MNC, then it is not necessary to have Ph.D.
  • D

    Answered by

    Daksh Ahuja | Contributor-Level 9

    6 years ago
    Ph.D, also known as a Doctor of Philosophy, regardless of the subject of study, requires a set of tasks that typically take 5-6 years to complete. Students must first take advanced courses in their field for a few years and complete a set of comprehensive exams. After this is accomplished, Ph.D students must produce a dissertation project, which can vary in its time to completion.
    There are a lot of benefits of having a Ph.D:
    a) You can indulge in the luxury of having Doctoe as your title.b) You'll learn how to be tough (mentally tough that is) from all the grilling, criticizing, and second guessing you will have to endure when you p
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    Answered by

    Moin Nargund Aspiring Student | Guide-Level 12

    6 years ago
    There are a lot of benefits of having a Ph.D:
    a) You can indulge in the luxury of having Dr as your title.
    B) You'll learn how to be tough (mentally tough that is) from all the grilling, criticizing, and second-guessing you will have to endure when you present your research proposal.
    C) Your analytical skills will sky rocket. This really depends on the type of Ph.D you pursue, but it is a given that you will learn to sharpen your analytical skills, and will then be able to apply these skills to subsequent ventures.
    D) It is the highest possible degree that you can achieve. If you strive for greatness, and nothing short of being the best

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