What are the career & job prospects in India for Microsoft Azure?

1 Follower | 109 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Devi singh | Guide-Level 11

    6 years ago
    Cloud is the way to go, and there are several opportunities in India as well. Speaking of Microsoft Azure, it has seen YoY increase in market share, earning the trust of businesses. Consider the previous statement as less of a sales statement, but a reality I have seen myself.
    Depending on what someone's skills are in Microsoft Azure, there are opportunities in Hybrid, Identity, Security, Automation, Storage, Containers, and the likes - hot topics today. Technical Roles like Support Engineers, Field Engineers, Consultants, and Architects. Semi/Non-technical roles like Solution Specialist, Sales Specialist, Account Executive, Delivery Ma
  • D

    Answered by

    Devendra Kumar

    6 years ago
    Earning Microsoft Azure certifications is the key marker for competitive advantage. It has the most welcoming job opportunities in India and elsewhere across the globe. A few reasons that could be jotted here are:
    - Business Agility
    - Global Reach
    - Quick development
    - Adaptive features
    - Disaster recovery
    - Secure expenditure
    - Deployment anywhere
    - Flexible model
    - Unified delivery plan
    and more.
    The exams to be passed to earn the Microsoft Azure Certifications includes the following.- Exam 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
    - Exam 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
    - Exam 70-537: Configuring and Operating a
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    VISHNU AGARWAL | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    Microsoft Azure is an open cloud computing platform started by Microsoft Inc. Most of the candidates looking to start a career with Microsoft Azure start off as a solutions architect or an IT architect. It is an integrated cloud service which the developers use to build and manage applications through the global network. In the present scenario where Cloud providers are evolving, Microsoft Azure has secured a place and growing steadily as a competitor for the top cloud providers.
    Microsoft Azure also offers security controls, networking, analytics and more. A major advantage with Microsoft Azure is that it supports third-party software
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    Answered by

    Lucky Lokesh | Contributor-Level 6

    6 years ago
    Microsoft Azure has secured a place and growing steadily as a competitor for the top cloud providers. Microsoft Azure provides a wide range of services from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) to Cloud Managing services. Top analysts report that Microsoft Azure is a growing fish in a growing pond of Cloud computing. The cloud market is very competitive and ever growing. Microsoft Azure competes with the likes of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud. Along with IaaS and PaaS, Microsoft Azure also offers security controls, networking, analytics and more. A major advantage with Microsoft Azure is that
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its | Scholar-Level 17

    6 years ago
    In the recent past, the entire concept of computing has seen a paradigm shift towards cloud computing. This internet-based computing model provides data and shared computer processing to computers and other devices on demand. Cloud computing facilitates universal access to a shared pool of computing resources, enabling information to be transferred effortlessly and with minimal effort. With cloud computing, users and enterprises can now store and process data in third-party data storage centers.
    Most of the candidates looking to start a career with Microsoft Azure start off as a Solutions Architect or an IT Architect. Once they are comf
  • Cloud computing is the latest technology in data storage to take the world by storm. In many companies, it is already being used with great success. Microsoft Azure is more than mere cloud servicing with Windows.
    It has been created so as to work easily with several Linux distributions, just as well as with other server Operating Systems.
    Microsoft Azure is a major platform serving the cloud computing market today.
    A certified professional can work as a:
    1)Senior software engineer
    2)Technical support engineer
    3)web application engineer
    4)Network architects
    5). NET developer
    6)Technical architect
    7)Cloud solutions architect
    8)Senior BI an

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