IBPS RRB syllabus for Knowledge section is given below:
Professional Knowledge syllabus for IT Officer
Operating System
System calls, Process concept, Multithreading Programming, Process Scheduling, Synchronization, Deadlock, Memory management concept, Indexes and sequences, File system, Secondary storage, System protection, Cryptography
Difference between file system and RDBMS, Database models, Normalization , keys and constraints, E-R diagram, Transaction, Concurrency control Management, Recovery and backup, Routing, View and Trigger, Cursors, SQL, Miscellaneous concepts(Data dictionary, data warehouse, data mining)
Data Communication and Networking
Types of networks, OSI model and protocols, Error detection and correction, Network devices and Models, Transmission Media, TCP/IP three way connection, IP addressing, Sorting, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA, IEEE standards, DNS, Network security, Network Switching, Firewall
Data Structure
Time Complexity and space complexity, Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph
Introduction, Classes and methods, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance
Compiler Design
Linker , loader, Phases of compilation, Lexical analyzer, Parsing theory, Code optimization, Intermediate code generation, Decision making in C
Basic Programming In C
Keywords in C, Format specifiers, Data Types, Variables in C, Types of variables, Constants in C, Operators in C, Loops, Break, continue and Go statement, Array, String in C, Function in C, String Functions, Recursion, Pointer, Structure and Union, File input and output, Dynamic memory allocation and C pre procesor
Web Design, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, Priority interrupt, Memory organization
Computer Architecture
CPU organisation, General register organisation, Interrupt, Modes of transfer, Instruction and program control, Virtual memory
Syllabus for Law Officer
Constitution, Law of Contract, Specific Relief Act, IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act, CPC, Administrative Law and Principles of Natural Justice, Jurisprudence and Interpretation of Statutes, Latin terms and maxims, Law of Torts, Consumer Protection Act, Arbitration and Concilliation Act, Transfer of Property Act, Companies Act 2013, Negotiable Instruments Act, FEMA, Banker's Books Evidence Act, DRT Act /RDBFI, Banking Ombudsman Scheme, Sarfaesi Act, RTI Act, Banking Regulation Act, Regional Rural Banks Act
Agriculture Officer
Introduction to Agriculture
Seasonal Crops (Rabi and Kharif), Basic of Crop Production, Agricultural Practices
Concepts of Tillage, Cultivation Practices of Crops (Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Fiber Crops, Commercial Crops) , Cropping System, Irrigation, Weed Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation, Organic Farming, Agrometeorology
Agro Forestry & Agro Ecology
Basics of Agro Forestry & Agro Ecology
Concepts of Soil
Types of Soils in India , Properties of Soils (Physical, Chemical, Biological), Soil Fertility and Productivity, Manures and Fertilizer, Plant Nutrients, Nutritional deficiency, Problematic Soils
Branches of Horticulture, Detailed Study of Horticulture Branches (Olericulture, Pomology, Floriculture)
Seed Science
Classification of Seeds, Seed Certification
Plant Physiology
Photosynthesis, Respiration, Transpiration, Growth and Development, Plant Growth Regulators, Photoperiodism and Vernalisation
Basics of Plant Breeding and Genetics
Introduction to Genetics, Plant Breeding, Methods of Pollination
Agriculture Entomology
Study of Insects, Insecticides, Plant Protection Equipments, Major Pest of Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Horticultural Crops
Plant Pathology
Introdution to Plant Pathology, Plant Disease Control, Major Disease of Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds and Horticultural Crops and their Control Measures
Animal Husbandry
Major Breeds of Livestock (Cattle, Buffalo, Swine, Goat , Sheep and Poultry), Types of Housing, Breeding System of Livestock, Care and Management of Rearing Animals and Poultry Birds, Common Disases of Rearing Animals and Poultry Birds
Agriculture Engineering
Farm Power and Machinery, Tillage Implements, Agriculture Structure and Process Engineering, Dairy Engineering, Irrigaton and Soil-water Converation Engineering
Fishery Sciences
Introduction to Fishery, Major Carps in India, Fisheries Management (Pond Management, Nutrition, Reproduction), Major Diseases
Latest Developments & Schemes Related to Agriculture, Recent Discoveries, Latest Bt Crops and related Research
<p>IBPS RRB syllabus for Knowledge section is given below:</p><p><strong>Professional Knowledge syllabus for IT Officer</strong></p><table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"><thead><tr><th>Section</th><th>Topics</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Operating System</td><td>System calls, Process concept, Multithreading Programming, Process Scheduling, Synchronization, Deadlock, Memory management concept, Indexes and sequences, File system, Secondary storage, System protection, Cryptography</td></tr><tr><td>DBMS</td><td>Difference between file system and RDBMS, Database models, Normalization , keys and constraints, E-R diagram, Transaction, Concurrency control Management, Recovery and backup, Routing, View and Trigger, Cursors, SQL, Miscellaneous concepts(Data dictionary, data warehouse, data mining)</td></tr><tr><td>Data Communication and Networking</td><td>Types of networks, OSI model and protocols, Error detection and correction, Network devices and Models, Transmission Media, TCP/IP three way connection, IP addressing, Sorting, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA, IEEE standards, DNS, Network security, Network Switching, Firewall</td></tr><tr><td>Data Structure</td><td>Time Complexity and space complexity, Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph</td></tr><tr><td>OOPS</td><td>Introduction, Classes and methods, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance</td></tr><tr><td>Compiler Design</td><td>Linker , loader, Phases of compilation, Lexical analyzer, Parsing theory, Code optimization, Intermediate code generation, Decision making in C</td></tr><tr><td>Basic Programming In C</td><td>Keywords in C, Format specifiers, Data Types, Variables in C, Types of variables, Constants in C, Operators in C, Loops, Break, continue and Go statement, Array, String in C, Function in C, String Functions, Recursion, Pointer, Structure and Union, File input and output, Dynamic memory allocation and C pre procesor</td></tr><tr><td>Software engineering</td><td>Software process, SDLC models, Debugging, Cohesion and coupling, Testing, PHP, Pipelining</td></tr><tr><td>Web Technology</td><td>Web Design, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, Priority interrupt, Memory organization</td></tr><tr><td>Computer Architecture</td><td>CPU organisation, General register organisation, Interrupt, Modes of transfer, Instruction and program control, Virtual memory</td></tr></tbody></table><p><strong>Syllabus for Law Officer</strong></p><table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"><thead><tr><th>Section</th><th>Topics</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>LAW</td><td>Constitution, Law of Contract, Specific Relief Act, IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act, CPC, Administrative Law and Principles of Natural Justice, Jurisprudence and Interpretation of Statutes, Latin terms and maxims, Law of Torts, Consumer Protection Act, Arbitration and Concilliation Act, Transfer of Property Act, Companies Act 2013, Negotiable Instruments Act, FEMA, Banker's Books Evidence Act, DRT Act /RDBFI, Banking Ombudsman Scheme, Sarfaesi Act, RTI Act, Banking Regulation Act, Regional Rural Banks Act</td></tr></tbody></table><p><strong>Agriculture Officer</strong></p><table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"><thead><tr><th>Section</th><th>Topics</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Introduction to Agriculture</td><td>Seasonal Crops (Rabi and Kharif), Basic of Crop Production, Agricultural Practices</td></tr><tr><td>Agronomy</td><td>Concepts of Tillage, Cultivation Practices of Crops (Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Fiber Crops, Commercial Crops) , Cropping System, Irrigation, Weed Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation, Organic Farming, Agrometeorology</td></tr><tr><td>Agro Forestry & Agro Ecology</td><td>Basics of Agro Forestry & Agro Ecology</td></tr><tr><td>Concepts of Soil</td><td>Types of Soils in India , Properties of Soils (Physical, Chemical, Biological), Soil Fertility and Productivity, Manures and Fertilizer, Plant Nutrients, Nutritional deficiency, Problematic Soils</td></tr><tr><td>Horticulture</td><td>Branches of Horticulture, Detailed Study of Horticulture Branches (Olericulture, Pomology, Floriculture)</td></tr><tr><td>Seed Science</td><td>Classification of Seeds, Seed Certification</td></tr><tr><td>Plant Physiology</td><td>Photosynthesis, Respiration, Transpiration, Growth and Development, Plant Growth Regulators, Photoperiodism and Vernalisation</td></tr><tr><td>Basics of Plant Breeding and Genetics</td><td>Introduction to Genetics, Plant Breeding, Methods of Pollination</td></tr><tr><td>Agriculture Entomology</td><td>Study of Insects, Insecticides, Plant Protection Equipments, Major Pest of Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Horticultural Crops</td></tr><tr><td>Plant Pathology</td><td>Introdution to Plant Pathology, Plant Disease Control, Major Disease of Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds and Horticultural Crops and their Control Measures</td></tr><tr><td>Animal Husbandry</td><td>Major Breeds of Livestock (Cattle, Buffalo, Swine, Goat , Sheep and Poultry), Types of Housing, Breeding System of Livestock, Care and Management of Rearing Animals and Poultry Birds, Common Disases of Rearing Animals and Poultry Birds</td></tr><tr><td>Agriculture Engineering</td><td>Farm Power and Machinery, Tillage Implements, Agriculture Structure and Process Engineering, Dairy Engineering, Irrigaton and Soil-water Converation Engineering</td></tr><tr><td>Fishery Sciences</td><td>Introduction to Fishery, Major Carps in India, Fisheries Management (Pond Management, Nutrition, Reproduction), Major Diseases</td></tr><tr><td>Miscellaneous</td><td>Latest Developments & Schemes Related to Agriculture, Recent Discoveries, Latest Bt Crops and related Research</td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>
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