What is the advantage of doing MBA over MCA in terms of placements? Will I have better placements?

0 320 Views | Posted 2011-09-12 19:02:01
Asked by aabha jain

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    anjali sharma | Contributor-Level 7

    2011-09-16 03:55:08
    I am sure when you are asking this, the major question in your mind is which has a better probablity of giving me better placements.
    For that i would say that after doing an MCA, you would be ideally developing softwares, making hardware etc and youyr growth directly depends in the longer tersm on your management skills, so although you might be able to get a good job but cannot say the same about groeth.
    However an MBA prepares you with management skills and across all sectoirs which could be IT, finance, marketing or retail. It not only gives a good placement, but also a better growth and ploethra of options to choose from.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Vikas Naidu | Contributor-Level 10

    2011-09-16 08:27:31
    Before selecting MBA plz ask some questions to urself.
    1. If Not MBA then What Else?
    2. MBA at What Cost?
    3. What Job After MBA?
    4. Are u financial sound or taking loan from bank?
    4. How much u will get after MBA?
    5. Dose ur base degree get enhanced after MBA or your line get changed after doing MBA?
    6. Are u choosing MBA after seeing to the others?
    7. How about ur communication Skills?
    8. Does Money is the only criteria in career or Job satisfaction also does matter?
    Just think twice and thrice and if ur answer comes to yes then only chose MBA. Otherwise there are lot of other fields where u can make ur career in less amount of money as well as
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Mohammad Munawar Khan | Contributor-Level 8

    2011-09-12 19:41:46
    MBA and MCA are two different fields. MBA is all about management and where as MCA is a technical field in Computer science. U can choose the required field according to your interest and your basic degree!!!!! All the very best and revert back for further queries!!!!

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