What is the difference between an MBA from IIT and an MBA from an IIM?

The difference in quality, subjects offered, placements etc.

0 1.2k Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Suprakash Mishra 10 years of exp in Digital Marketing | Guide-Level 12

    6 years ago
    Both are different. IIM is specialized for MBA and IIT is specialized for engineering, but at present time, lot of IIT and NIT are offering MBA programme. IIM is offering PGP programme in different specialization. All the IITs have very high CAT cut off. IIM SJMSOM IIT B, VGSOM IIT KGP, DMS IIT Delhi are in category with decent placement. All IIM are good except few IIMs, but all IIT has very good infrastructure and job offered.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Aditya Doiphode Current Student- NIT, Trichy | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    There is not much difference as such. IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) were founded to impart education in engineering field but later started other courses including MBA. IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) were founded for the sole reason of imparting education in management field. Both of these are premier institutes and getting into them requires a lot of hard work. In order of preference, IIMs generally, rank higher than IITs for management. Let's have a look at the rankings:
    1. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
    2. Indian Institute of Management, C
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    Focus on specialization. IIT stands for Indian Institute of 'Technology' while IIM stands for Indian Institute of 'Management'. Names suggest itself that what you get from where. Although it is well know that MBA from IITs is has a market value but as compared to IIMs it is slightly less. IIMs are specially made to visualize you with the dynamics of outside managerial environment, nothing can match the knowledge and compatibility of IIMs, especially the older ones. IITs have recently started their management programs, some like Shailesh J Mehta (IIT Bombay) and DOMS (IIT Delhi) are pretty good in terms of opportunities and depth, but o
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Harshit Jain | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    IITs are basically technical colleges and IIMs are B-Schools. Although MBA is included in IITs also to increase the number of seats in management courses, but the personal development is better in IIMs which is required by a management student. Although, there is no difference in the course structure, but IIMs are basically designed in a manner to develop a student into a professional. Although, the level of IITs is very high and they have a good faculty for management, but overall development of a management student is better at IIMs and ISB. IIMs provide more exposure and understanding as compared to IITs.

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