What is the difference between B.Des in fashion design and B.Sc in fashion design?

Which is a better course to pursue among B.Des in fashion design and B.Sc in fashion design?

1 Follower | 1.3k Views | Posted 7 years ago
Asked by rishi rishik

  • 3 Answers

  • R

    Answered by

    Randeep Ahuja

    7 years ago
    Hello Rishi,
    ~ B.Sc in fashion designing covers the study of creating original designs in garments, jewellery, shoes, etc. and also the study of ever changing trends of the market and fashion industry.
    Career opportunities after B.Sc in fashion design:
    Apparel Production Manager
    Fashion Show Organizer
    Cutting Assistant
    Costume Designer
    Fabric Buyer
    Fashion Consultant
    Graphic Designer
    Fashion Coordinator
    Production Pattern Maker
    Personal Stylist
    ~ B.Des in fashion design aims at imparting professional fashion education that focuses on innovation for the sustainability of economical, ecological and social values.
    Career opportunities after B.Des in f
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Swapnaneel Bhuiya | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    B. Design is a 4 year course, which gives you deep knowledge about designing, whereas B.Sc. Is a three year course which introduces you to designing field. B.Sc. In Fashion designing includes the study of one of the major as well as important part of fashion Industry. It includes the study of creating original designs and the changing trends of the market. Thus, the study under B.Sc. In Fashion designing specializes in areas like garments, jewelries, luggage etc. The course includes a detailed study of the market trends and the related fashion. This fashion is implemented in the form of fabrics and other accessories. Various other aspe
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    iam ssuhana | Guide-Level 14

    6 years ago
    B. Design is a 4 year course, which gives you deep knowledge about designing, whereas B.Sc is a three year course which introduces you to designing field. B.Sc in Fashion designing includes the study of one of the major as well as important part of fashion Industry. It includes the study of creating original designs and the changing trends of the market. Thus, the study under B.Sc in Fashion designing specializes in areas like garments, jewelries, luggage etc. The course includes a detailed study of the market trends and the related fashion. This fashion is implemented in the form of fabrics and other accessories. Various other aspects

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