What is the eligibility & admission process for Data Mining? What are the benefits of pursuing the same?

0 65 Views | Posted 6 years ago

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    DISHA RANI | Guide-Level 13

    4 years ago
    Data mining is taught in a majority of universities as a part of computer Science and IT graduation and post graduation degree. Nowadays MBA syllabus also includes the course of data warehousing and data mining. Data analytics courses include data mining as a subject includes an introduction to data mining software tools. Currently, job opportunities in the field of data analytics are very high. Any graduate is eligible for postgraduate Diploma courses in Data Analytics. RDBMS and statistics knowledge is a prerequisite for data analytics courses. All the best.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    konatham Abhishek HeLpINg HaNd FiRsT | Scholar-Level 16

    4 years ago
    The process of extracting the data (or information) so that analysts can visualize it for the growth and expansion of their business. Though the data mining concept is not new and has been there for decades, it is becoming popular because of the increased amount of data, fast processing and reduced cost in storage. Actually, this course requires a lot of dedication and intelligence but still, you can do that. Companies generally prefer those candidates who have done their Bachelors in IT field or Business Analyst because there is not any particular college in India which offers this course as a specialisation. Even as a beginner, if yo
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    It is an essential process where intelligent methods are applied to extract data patterns. Data mining is taught in a majority of universities as a part of computer Science and IT graduation and post graduation degree. Nowadays MBA syllabus also includes the course of data warehousing and data mining. Data analytics courses include data mining as a subject includes an introduction to data mining software tools. Currently, job opportunities in the field of data analytics are very high. Any graduate is eligible for postgraduate Diploma courses in Data Analytics. RDBMS and statistics knowledge is a prerequisite for data analytics courses.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    Data mining is the computing process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems. It is an essential process where intelligent methods are applied to extract data patterns. Data mining is taught in a majority of universities as a part of computer science and IT graduation and post graduation degree. Nowadays MBA syllabus also includes the course of data warehousing and data mining. Data analytics courses include data mining as a subject includes an introduction to data mining software tools. Currently, job opportunities in the field of data analy
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    6 years ago
    Data Mining as its name suggests is the process of extracting the data (or information) so that analysts can visualize it for the growth and expansion of their business. Though the data mining concept is not new and has been there for decades, it is becoming popular because of the increased amount of data, fast processing and reduced cost in storage. Actually, this course requires a lot of dedication and intelligence but still, you can do that. Companies generally prefer those candidates who have done their Bachelors in IT field or Business Analyst because there is not any particular college in India which offers this course as

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