What parallel courses can I pursue while studying an undergraduate course in Philosophy for improving my career prospects?

0 58 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser | Scholar-Level 18

    7 years ago
    Philosophy is a fantastic subject in itself. It teaches us many things. Along with graduation, there are many certificate courses that one can do like Ghandhian Philosophy, Greek Mythology, foreign language, etc. In fact for every course of the three year course, there is already available in the market a certificate course. Doing it separately will enhance chances of scoring well in graduation as well as adding many certificate courses to one's CV. Ultimately what appears in CV, of course it should be ethical, will matter most in progression in a career theoretically. But please remember that in spite of best of CV's, it's the a
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    Philosophy is one interesting field with intense preparation and dedication. The course curriculum designed suffices theoretical knowledge but lacks some major skills which are imperative like:-
    1. Intuition
    2. Empathy
    3. Emotional Intelligence
    These skills can come only through experience with various personalities and tonnes of expertise. For any undergraduate students, He can take up more of Internship opportunities rather than just courses which will help in overall development. Although, there have been some great courses developed which are strongly recommended which can add value to the resume. Courses into cognitive intelligence, G
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management. | Scholar-Level 17

    7 years ago
    Philosophy is one interesting field with intense preparation and dedication.
    The course curriculum designed suffices theoretical knowledge but lacks some major skills which are imperative like:-
    1. Intuition
    2. Empathy
    3. Emotional Intelligence
    These skills can come only through experience with various personalities and tonnes of expertise.
    For any undergraduate students, He can take up more of Internship opportunities rather than just courses which will help in overall development.
    Although, there have been some great courses developed which are strongly recommended which can add value to the resume.
    Courses into cognitive intelligence, Gree

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