What should be my preparation strategy to crack WBJEE in one year?

0 115 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    The strategy should be the one with focused and hardworking soul.
    The most important part of the competitive preparation is that the one is unable to continue the same hard work it has initiated with.
    That intensity should be maintains throughout the session for making the absolute place in the toppers.
    Now, the guidelines one should follow to crack WBJEE are:
    Go through the entire theory portion and no part of the theory should be skipped from your mind especially from chemistry's inorganic part.
    Secondly, don't let any distraction element interfere in your life because the one year may be worth the whole life.
    Third, constantly focus on t
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Kundan Singh Qualified CII-IPATE 2020 | GATE 2021|B.Tech(CSE) | Guide-Level 12

    7 years ago
    West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination is not a hard nut to crack. One year is more than enough for it. You just need to stick with your time table and strategy.
    Let's have a look at paper pattern:
    According to latest paper pattern, there will be three sections in the paper. WBJEE 2018 will be of total 200 marks in which physics and chemistry will be of 50 marks and maths will contribute 100 marks. All the three sections will be further divided into 3 more sub categories. There will be a negative marking in 2 Categories.
    Now, moving to the preparation part, you don't have to prepare for WBJEE separately. If you have enrolled yourself in a
  • Hello,
    West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) is conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB).
    This exam has 2 papers namely,
    Paper 1: mathematics and
    Paper 2: physics and chemistry
    The questions are of MCQs.
    You need to have clear idea of the syllabus and the date of examination as they are the important aspects of the exam.
    One year of time is a really a great time to crack WBJEE.
    It is necessary to revise all the concepts of PCM and you are also advised not to read the new concepts when you have a lesser time.
    You may refer to the NCERT books for concepts and have clarity on them. Make sure that you ha

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