Whether Self Study is possible? Yes, totally possible.
Whether Self Study is feasible? No, you run out of time, if you are giving the immediately available attempt after CPT, since 9 months are not enough.
Whether Self Study is recommended? No, at IPCC level, I won't recommend Self Study. At Final level, yes highly recommended.
IPCC Syllabus -The syllabus of IPCC is quite simple, however, there are many subjects which are totally new. Self-study is possible but it will take a lot of time.
Time Management -It is very important in CA course that you enter and exit through every level in the fastest possible time. The first eligible attempt f
Whether Self Study is possible? Yes, totally possible.
Whether Self Study is feasible? No, you run out of time, if you are giving the immediately available attempt after CPT, since 9 months are not enough.
Whether Self Study is recommended? No, at IPCC level, I won't recommend Self Study. At Final level, yes highly recommended.
IPCC Syllabus -The syllabus of IPCC is quite simple, however, there are many subjects which are totally new. Self-study is possible but it will take a lot of time.
Time Management -It is very important in CA course that you enter and exit through every level in the fastest possible time. The first eligible attempt for you comes 9 months after you pass CPT. So if you wish to give your first eligible attempt which maximum students do, you need to complete syllabus in shortest possible time, which is very difficult if you do self-study.
Coaching Classes - Coaching classes have expert teachers who can tell you what is important, what is not, explain you bigger concepts with practical insights making it easier to remember, and within least possible time, you can study the whole syllabus. So this is very fast, and within 6 months you can complete the coaching of all subjects. Yes, the schedule will be hectic like 4 classes a day or 10-12 hours per day, but this is CA course, you have to get used to this kind of schedules.
For all subjects or selective subjects? Now this is a personal choice. You may choose to do all subjects or may be selective subject. What I generally recommend is since you have nine months, keep three for your self-study and balance six months for coaching, in these six months you do as many coaching classes as possible, especially for practical subjects.
Mostly you will be able to conquer all 7 subjects. After Class Studies not required - Remember you don't need to study while doing coaching, just concentrate on classes and daily 15 minutes reading as if you are reading a magazine of what was taught today, just 15 minutes per subject, before you sleep. This will help you to grasp better the next day. Regular attendance is of course, the key factor!
Conclusion: At Final level, a student can do self-study easily, since there is a lot of time and all subjects are just advanced version of that already taught at IPCC level. However, at IPCC there isn't much time and again many subjects are new.
I hope this would suffice.