Depending on the rules and regulations that apply specifically to Stella Maris College in Chennai, the repercussions of skipping an internal exam may be different. Internal exams are typically an important part of a student's evaluation and factor into their overall course achievement.
If a student skips an internal exam at Stella Maris College, here are some potential consequences:
Zero Marks: A student is likely to earn a zero mark for an internal exam if they skip it without a good excuse or permission from college administrators. This may have a substantial effect on their overall course grade on the internal assessment.
Make-up Exam: If a student has a legitimate cause for missing the initial exam, the college may in some situations offer them the chance to take a make-up exam. Valid justifications frequently involve unexpected events like medical emergencies. To consider the request for a make-up exam, the college will need the appropriate supporting documentation or evidence, though.
Internal exams frequently contribute to the overall evaluation of a course. A student's final grades or GPA for that particular course may suffer if they fail an internal exam and receive no credit.
Repeat of the Course: If a student doesn't pass an exam, they may have to do the entire course again. This depends on the college's policies and how important the test is to the overall evaluation of the course.
The college's examination and academic rules, including the precise guidelines for internal exams and attendance requirements, must be understood by all students. It is important to let the college know if a student expects to miss an exam or has experienced any unexpected circumstances that could result in a potential absence. The student should also follow the correct protocol for asking for permission to skip an exam and, if necessary, requesting a make-up exam.
Please note that while I have provided a response, it is based on my broad understanding of academic practises and that specific policies may differ between schools. Students should consult their academic advisors or faculty members for the most current and accurate information concerning the repercussions of skipping internal exams at Stella Maris College as well as the college's official website and student handbook.