Which has a better scope and why: Petroleum Engineering or Electronics and Electrical Engineering?

0 124 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Vibha Gupta | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    Well that depend on your interest that which can lead to success for you. Here I am detailing the scope of petroleum engineering I. e. Petroleum industryOil and gas industryProcess and manufacturingFood industryMaterialsChemical industryPlasticsPower productionEnvironmental controlWaste managementResearch and development DRDO Coal preparation and mineral processing Fertilizer industry Paint, lubricant industry. And for EEE are:- Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET)SDO/AE in State Electricity BoardsSystem EngineerDesign EngineerSoftware DevelopersPublic Sectors such as NTPC, Indian Railways, Armed forces (Technical Branch) etc. Higher Studie
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    Answered by

    Dharamveer Dheer Educator at University | Scholar-Level 18

    4 years ago
    There is scope for every branch, Both are highly in demand programs, its you who has to SEE and decide his/her ambition. And this depends on your own introspection. Ask these questions to yourself and answer honestly. You will get your answer automatically:
    What am I passionate about? What do I like to do? What subjects do I enjoy most at school? Which subjects am I good at? Are they also the subjects I enjoy? What are my marks in these subjects? If my marks are low can I improve them? Can I SEE myself studying further? What careers support my subject choice? More importantly choose a college/university which has all the supporting infr
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    Deepak Prajapati Want to share my knowledge | Scholar-Level 16

    6 years ago
    I think you are very smart to think about the future when you graduate, and not just the situation today. It is of course hard to predict the future, but it is likely that fewer students will go on to study this option, so you will be comparatively rare when you graduate. Industry may by then looking to replace some of the people it is letting go at present. It is quite possible that some current resources will be depleted and others will be unavailable because of political reasons. There may also be a return to gas as a stop-gap instead of coal which is presently acting as the backup when the sun does not shine and the wind does not b
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    Answered by

    Samarth Uttam | Contributor-Level 6

    7 years ago
    I think the scope of any branch is a factor of two parameters. One is the job opportunities that the branch provides, other is the scope in the perspective of higher studies.
    Electronics and electrical engineering are the branches that are rapidly rising due to the introduction of the digital era. These engineers deal with the making of electrical and communication sensors. The new concept of Internet of things and digital transformation would not have been possible without this branch while petroleum engineers deal with hydrocarbons extraction and transfer, etc.
    From jobs perspectives, the Electrical and Electronics engineers get offers
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    Answered by

    archit kumar College selection expert | Scholar-Level 16

    7 years ago
    Hi there,
    Engineering is one of the highly preferred careers in India. There are lots of industries available in India and abroad which offer excellent jobs for engineering graduates. Electronics and communication engineers have huge demand. The ECE plays a major role in the improvement and production in industries along with the testing and control of products. It has wider application in the communication industry in the development of computers, military devices, consumer electronics, communication equipment etc. ECE engineers will get jobs in government and private companies, both in India as well as aboard. Petroleum engineers have
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    Answered by

    Abhishek Bansal | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    EEE is better as a core branch always has a greater scope than a non-core branch.
  • A

    Answered by

    Apoorv Rastogi | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    According to me, electronics and electrical engineering than petroleum engineering is having a better scope. It is not only because of high paying jobs in the electronics and electrical engineering sector but also because of the growth rate of electronics and the electrical sector is more than petroleum sector.
    Considering petroleum engineering is also not a wrong decision as it also has a better scope as there are many good or oil companies in India and India is one of the exporting crude oil containing countries that export crude oil to other countries.
    Electronics and electrical sector has a better scope then petroleum engineering bec

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