Which is better, a B.Sc. In math or a B.Sc. (hons) in chemistry?

0 205 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Shruti

  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Deeksha Dixit | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    You can select the career path you want to take from the range of options provided by both courses. Comparatively speaking, the B.Sc (general) in math is a less professional course than the B.Sc (hons. ) in chemistry.
    1. The course syllabus: In B.Sc math, you learn about mathematical concepts in detail, such as multivariate calculus, derivatives, and polynomial approximation. You thoroughly study reactivity, analytical techniques, molecular modeling, and drug design in B.Sc (hons) chemistry.
    2. Careers: A B.Sc in math qualifies you for positions like assistant researcher, math tutor, data analyst, etc. You can work as a production chem
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Gurumukh Lamba Trying to learn every time. | Contributor-Level 6

    a year ago
    I think I wll answer it properly. I am a Maths student and my friend is a Chemistry honours student, it's easier to me to answer it. At first, in future there are more scope to pursue M.Sc. Or Ph.D. or higher study in Chemistry than mathematics. There are various sub part in Chemistry like bio Chemistry physical, organic, inorganic material Chemistry etc. But in math it's very less in number. In Chemistry you have to buy so many books or have to borrow so many books from library, in math you have to same but no of books is lesser in number. You have to pay more additional things like lab coat, practical instruments, so many graph book,

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