Which is better course BBA or B.Com?

1 Follower | 218 Views | Posted 3 years ago

  • 20 Answers

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    Answered by

    Puneet Singh Alumni at LPU Jalandhar | Scholar-Level 17

    3 years ago
    B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) is a simple traditional course for a better understanding of commerce (I. e. Accountancy, Economics etc. ). And makes you capable for future ventures in this field. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) is designed to provide a basic understanding of management and to train the students in different skills, which inculcate entrepreneurship skills and decision making. After B.Com you can enter into different streams with this degree. You can get into banking, civil services, MBA, law, designing/merchandising, M.Com finance, economics many more. However, if you want to foray into management, a BBA followe
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    Answered by

    Rajdeep Sharma Alumni of Lovely Professional University | Guide-Level 15

    3 years ago
    Dear Aspirant, in my opinion all the specializations are having their own merits. Best specialisation is subjective thing precisely depends upon students because all the students having their own choice / preference of subject. B.Com. Is the good choice of subject if you are having strong control over CORE subjects related to specializations like Accounting, Banking And Financial Services, Economics, Finance, Financial Markets etc. Similarly BBA is also a good choice having all the above mentioned specializations. But here you will earn more proficiency in terms of management from Day 1. There are many BBA Specializations available but
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    Answered by

    Roma Nath BTech - MTech Biotechnology | Guide-Level 13

    3 years ago
    In today's day and age, getting a B.Com degree is crucial for a commerce student, but it is not enough. It is not easy to find high paying jobs for B.Com graduates if one has not chosen the right courses after bcom. This article will help you know more about after b.com jobs and salary details. Completing a degree cant promise you a great career after b.com. One has to take up post-graduation or professional certificate to have a well-established career after B.Com degree. After B.Com you can enter into different streams with this degree. You can get into banking, civil services, MBA, law, designing/merchandising, M.Com finance, econom
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    Answered by

    Navneet Kaur | Guide-Level 14

    3 years ago
    B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) is a simple traditional course for a better understanding of commerce (I. e. Accountancy, Economics etc. ). And makes you capable for future ventures in this field. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) is designed to provide a basic understanding of management and to train the students in different skills, which inculcate entrepreneurship skills and decision making. LPUs business school is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and programme (ACBSP). Recently Ministry of Human Resource Government of India Ranked Lovely Professional University No. 2 in India in Management. This cou
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    Answered by

    Pratima Banerjee | Guide-Level 13

    3 years ago
    B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) is a simple traditional course for a better understanding of commerce (I. e. Accountancy, Economics etc. ). And makes you capable for future ventures in this field. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) is designed to provide a basic understanding of management and to train the students in different skills, which inculcate entrepreneurship skills and decision making. After B.Com you can enter into different streams with this degree. You can get into banking, civil services, MBA, law, designing/merchandising, M.Com finance, economics many more. However, if you want to foray into management, a BBA followe
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    Answered by

    pankaj sharma | Contributor-Level 8

    3 years ago
    B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) is a simple traditional course for a better understanding of commerce (I. e. Accountancy, Economics etc. ). And makes you capable for future ventures in this field. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) is designed to provide a basic understanding of management and to train the students in different skills, which inculcate entrepreneurship skills and decision making. LPUs business school is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and programme (ACBSP). Recently Ministry of Human Resource Government of India Ranked Lovely Professional University No. 2 in India in Management. This cou
  • S

    Answered by

    Sunita Singh | Guide-Level 15

    3 years ago
    B.Com and BBA have been the topmost choices for students who wish to make a career in the field of management or commerce. Bachelor of Commerce B.Com is one of the oldest courses which continues to be extremely popular among students even today. Whereas Bachelor in Business Administration BBA falls in the category of courses that have seen a massive increase in demand in recent years. With various options available, it is difficult to choose the right career path after class 12. B.Com and BBA are some of the most popular choices of students who want to pursue a career in the field of management and business. There are many courses in t
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Vishal Singh Education Consultant | Guide-Level 13

    3 years ago
    B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) is a simple traditional course for a better understanding of commerce (I. e. Accountancy, Economics, etc. ). And makes you capable of future ventures in this field. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) is designed to provide a basic understanding of management and to train the students in different skills, which inculcate entrepreneurship skills and decision making. After B.Com you can enter into different streams with this degree. You can get into banking, civil services, MBA, law, designing/merchandising, M.Com finance, economics many more. However, if you want to foray into management, a BBA followe
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    Answered by

    Avtar Dhillon Education Consultant | Scholar-Level 16

    3 years ago
    In the 21st century where one has so many options or choices available, it is going to be difficult to decide which course one must pursue, but when you have an ultimate motive of pursuing an MBA, then I must advise you to go either for BBA or B.Com course because they will give you a better feel and understanding of the most of the subjects, which largely could be referred in MBA as well. MSOB Lovely Professional University, is always appreciated because of the faculty members, placement and curriculum. BBA or MBA is something which is completely relatable to your surroundings, it's a management thing. If you say marketing is a specia
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Neetu Singh | Scholar-Level 16

    3 years ago
    Which course you want to pursue totally depends upon your area of interest. Both the courses are different, B.Com and BBA have been the topmost choices for students who wish to make a career in the field of management or commerce. Bachelor of Commerce B.Com is one of the oldest courses which continues to be extremely popular among students even today. Whereas Bachelor in Business Administration BBA falls in the category of courses that have seen a massive increase in demand in recent years. With various options available, it is difficult to choose the right career path after class 12. B.Com and BBA are some of the most popular choices

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