Is Civil Engineering difficult as compared to other engineering fields?

0 71 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    As all the branches of engineering have different criteria for judgement as well as the different purpose of serving the people. So the branches cannot be compared at all with each other as all the branches require stringent hard work and knowledge for the better future scope. When talking practically considering academics, study pattern for computer science and engineering is the toughest as it has no pre-decided official syllabus and the questions can be asked from any perspective throughout the whole world. Although computer science students almost have all the work to be done in office whereas civil aspirants have their work in the
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Samarth Uttam | Contributor-Level 6

    7 years ago
    All the branches of engineering focus on different and deal with completely (you can say) different set of problems and areas. No branch is easy or hard. The topics may be overlapping. For example, the strength of materials is common to both mechanical and civil engineering but the applications of the same are different. The perspectives of both are completely different. Mechanical engineers use it for analysis of mechanical parts or machinery parts but civil engineers use it for column analysis. The same thing goes for Fluid Mechanics. The mechanical engineers use it for analysis of fluid flow control systems or smaller fluid systems
  • A

    Answered by

    Apoorv Rastogi | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    All engineering fields are challenging. If you examine the starting salary of all undergraduate degrees, you will find most engineering area at the top. Plus, if you investigate engineering curriculum, you will find serious overlap.
    Sure, some are more challenging, for example chemical and biochemical are tough, electrical and mechanical maybe one step down from there and civil is the easiest but we are splitting hairs here. They are all engineering and even civil had chemistry, physics, mathematics and ton of technical classes.
    Generally, civil engineering isn't as tough as other disciplines of engineering and is having a similar set of

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