What is the difference between B.Tech and B.Arch?

0 7.9k Views | Posted 8 years ago
Asked by AB de buks

  • 4 Answers

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  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    OMKAR PHALE An Undergraduate student who loves to travel. | Guide-Level 13

    7 years ago
    Hello, B.Tech is Bachelor of technology. it mainly deals with technology field. If you are strong in mathematics and physics then you may choose it as your career option. You have to study totally based on technology.
    B.Arch is Bachelor of architecture. It is also related to technology but it mainly deals with designing part of the architecture. To become a good architect you must be a good designer. If you like physics, mathematics as well as designing then go for architecture. If you become a very good architect then scope and opportunity and scope will be very high for you.
    Good luck.
    Thank you.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Pankaj Kumar | Guide-Level 13

    8 years ago
    The major difference between the two is that in bachelor of engineering degree there are many disciplines whereas bachelor in architecture is a particular discipline.
    Architecture is a field where you will be dealing with the design of interior and exterior of the building. Managing and utilise the space available in a efficient manner. They do not study about the loads acting on the structure. Architecture is related to the civil engineering. The duration of the course is 5 years. Lot of imagination is required
    In engineering field each discipline has their own nature of work. Civil engineering has more of construction work. Computer
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Raj shakya #ReadyToHelp | Scholar-Level 16

    5 years ago
    The major difference between the two is that in Bachelor of engineering degree there are many disciplines whereas Bachelor in architecture is a particular discipline. Architecture is a field where you will be dealing with the design of interior and exterior of the building. Managing and utilise the space available in a efficient manner. They do not study about the loads acting on the structure. Architecture is related to the civil engineering. The duration of the course is 5 years. Lot of imagination is required
    In engineering field each discipline has their own nature of work. Civil engineering has more of construction work. Comput
  • R

    Answered by

    Roopam Sahu

    7 years ago
    See, both of them are different. In B.Tech, you will study the technical knowledge of your respective branch, while in B.Arch, you will study about the designing of big structures like Burj Khalifa.

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