What is the eligibility and admission process for Java? What are the benefits of pursuing the same?

0 78 Views | Posted 6 years ago

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    DISHA RANI | Guide-Level 13

    4 years ago
    Java is not taught in any particular college as a degree course because while doing B.Tech or BCA you can easily learn this language as a part of your syllabus. There are various private institutes in India which offer this course as a Diploma/certificate. There are a large number of benefits to pursuing this. Its knowledge will help you with web development and software development. You can get the chance to work under big corporate teams for various big Information Technology projects, which just not makes you knowledgeable, but you can also get hands-on practical job experience of whatever you have learned in the classroom. All the
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

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    konatham Abhishek HeLpINg HaNd FiRsT | Scholar-Level 16

    4 years ago
    Benefits of learning the Java:
    Easy and simple to learn
    Core Java is an object-oriented programming language, which has easy syntax and functions. Most of the syntax is in simple English, hence a common user can figure out what the syntax means and learn the language easily. Due to these reasons, Java programmers are able to write programs in a shorter time frame. This increases the productivity and also the credibility between the programmer and the clients. Renders rich APIs
    In order to manage software applications input and output, Core Java provides a rich set of APIs, which includes buffer management, object serialization, and device
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    Adv. Ved Vinayak Law educator at Lex Logic You Tube channel. | Contributor-Level 9

    2 years ago
    B.Tech (CS/IT), M.Tech (CS/IT), BCA MCA B.Sc. (IT), M.Sc. (IT), and Diploma (IT/CS) are all eligible. Java is a fairly popular programming language that many people who develop real-world applications use. It is an object-oriented language that works on any platform and with any operating system. The software runs anywhere because it is built on Java Technology. Any operating system, computer, smart device, and even phone can be used to execute them.
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    Debuggers Course Fee 2021 We are group of experienced tech professionals.

    4 years ago
    Eligibility : B.Tech(CS/ IT) | M.Tech(CS/IT) | BCA | MCA | BSc(IT) | MSc(IT) | Diploma(IT/CS).
    Java is the very sought-after programming language, widely used by the creators of real-world applications. It is an object-oriented programming language and is independent of any platform and operating system. The software is based on Java Technology are able to work everywhere. They can be run irrespective of any kind of operating systems, computers, smart devices, and even phones.
    What you'll Learn:
    Module1:- Getting started with java updated version.
    Module2:- Understating OOPs Concepts, Classes, and Interfaces.
    Module3:- Working with AWT (Abs
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    Java is a computer language and you don't need any prerequisite to learn that language. However, it is beneficial for those who are from computer Science and IT background. Java is not taught in any particular college as a degree course because while doing B.Tech or BCA you can easily learn this language as a part of your syllabus. There are various private institutes in India which offer this course as a Diploma/certificate. There are a large number of benefits to pursuing this. Its knowledge will help you with web development and software development. You can get the chance to work under big corporate teams for various big Informatio
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    Answered by

    Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    Java is a popular general-purpose programming language and computing platform. It is fast, reliable and secure. According to Oracle, the company that owns Java, Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide. Considering the number of Java developers, devices running Java, and companies adapting it, it's safe to say that Java will be around for many years to come. There is no perquisite to learn Java. It will be good that before proceeding with learning Java aspirant should have at least basic understanding of computer programming, Internet, Database, etc.
    Exposure to concepts of Object Oriented Programming is icing on cake. There is no denia
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    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    6 years ago
    Java is a computer language and you don't need any prerequisite to learn that language. However, it is beneficial for those who are from computer science and IT background. Java is not taught in any particular college as a degree course because while doing B.Tech or BCA you can easily learn this language as a part of your syllabus. There are various private institutes in India which offer this course as a diploma/certificate. There are a large number of benefits to pursuing this. Its knowledge will help you with web development and software development. You can get the chance to work under big corporate teams for various big Info
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    Answered by

    VISHNU AGARWAL | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    JAVA Course Eligibility:
    There is no such compulsory eligibility criteria required to join Java Core & Advanced Course, but then it is preferred that the student should be from the software background and should have knowledge of C+ language.
    Benefits of learning the JAVA:
    Easy and simple to learn
    Core Java is an object-oriented programming language, which has easy syntax and functions. Most of the syntax is in simple English, hence a common user can figure out what the syntax means and learn the language easily. Due to these reasons, Java programmers are able to write programs in a shorter time frame. This increases the productivity and a

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