You can apply for Advanced Diploma in Software Development (ADSD), 1 year course in MET Institute for Software Development and Research in Mumbai, after completion of your graduation. Programme Objective
This is a programme specially designed for all the graduates who want to make their career in the IT industry. Are you eligible? Successful completion of 10 + 2 + 3 or 4 or equivalent from a recognised University with minimum 50% at degree level. Computer Science or IT Diploma holders from the recognised technical boards with 2 years of relevant IT experience can apply. Admission :
Based on the performance in the MET CET (Written Test) and Personal Interview. How can I apply? The applicant must buy the Application Form and Prospectus, available at MET for Rs. 900 in cash or DD favouring MET ISDR or please click here to pay online. Submit the prescribed Application Form along with necessary certificates on or before the due date. The applicant must appear for the Selection Procedure on the date of Entrance Exam (Please refer to schedule below). Selection Procedure
The applicant must submit the prescribed application form along with necessary documents before the due date. The applicant must appear for the Selection Process at MET which is to be held as per schedule announced. The selection will be done on the basis of :
a. Performance in the Selection Process (MET CET) conducted by MET
b. Scholastic Records
The Selection Process (MET CET) will consist of a Written Test (WT) and Personal Interview (PI) and both will be conducted on the same day. The Written Test will commence at sharp 09:00 hrs. And Personal Interview will commence from 11:15 hrs. The schedule of PI will be communicated at time of WT. The list of selected candidates will be declared at the institute. The same will also be displayed on the MET website:
www.met.edu. The selected candidates will have to submit the necessary documents and pay the tuition fees of Rs 1,15,000/- (Rupees one Lacs fifteen thousand only) + GST as applicable on or before due date. The fee is to be paid in FULL and will not be accepted in installments. Library deposit of Rs. 500 (refundable) has to be paid separately, as it is not included in the tuition fees. The ADSD programme commences as per schedule announced. Programme Fee
The fees for the entire programme is Rs 1,15,000/- (Rupees one Lacs fifteen thousand only) + GST as applicable.