Which of these is better: B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from MIT Manipal or B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from SRM, Chennai?

Please share the details on the basis of course outline, faculty, placement and college infrastructure for Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal and SRM, Chennai.

0 144 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Raj shakya #ReadyToHelp | Scholar-Level 16

    5 years ago
    Any day, any time, SRM University is a lot better than Manipal University, and here are the reasons claiming the same. College reputation:
    SRM holds a rank of 11 on the list of the best private sector colleges in India while Manipal is off the charts. Infrastructure:
    SRM holds a 250 acre campus (the main campus), that excluding the 5 other branches SRM has, while Manipal University is far behind SRM University on this subject
    You'll have a much more relaxed life at SRM, giving you time to learn what you wish to, other than college curriculum. At Manipal, you'll have to practice daily assignments and quiz, which will leave you wi
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    SYED FARHAN HAIDER Campus Representative, MIT Manipal | Contributor-Level 7

    7 years ago
    SRM University gets its rank after paying it off to different surveyors. But it's not like that here in Manipal. Manipal Institute of Technology is far better than SRM in all aspects. SRM has copied several things from Manipal Institute of Technology like Semester Abroad Program and so on. Quality of students of MIT Manipal is also much better than SRM University. Here admission is totally based on merit no matter who you are. But in SRM University there are several management quotas available to get admission. Getting into the Mainpal Institute of Technology is difficult than SRM University. Also MIT has top class alumni from India li
  • P

    Answered by

    Priyum Agrawal | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Any day, any time, SRM University is a lot better than Manipal University, and here are the reasons claiming the same.
    College reputation:
    SRM holds a rank of 11 on the list of the best private sector colleges in India while Manipal is off the charts.
    SRM holds a 250 acre campus (the main campus), that excluding the 5 other branches SRM has, while Manipal University is far behind SRM University on this subject
    You'll have a much more relaxed life at SRM, giving you time to learn what you wish to, other than college curriculum.
    At Manipal, you'll have to practice daily assignments and quiz, which will leave yo

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