Which of these is better: BE in Telecommunication Engineering from MSRIT or BE in CSE from RVCE?

Kindly provide information about R V College of Engineering and M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology.

0 297 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    This is an autonomous institute and is located in the prime location of South India which is home to a large number of global and national corporates and is called the Silicon Valley of India. The difference where the students create is primarily based on the branch chosen. Though MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology is working well under the funding of state government and regarded as one if the preferred institution but when it comes to telecommunication then RV College of Engineering has a placement plus point when compared regarding CSE. Though telecommunication branch is also a technical branch and finds a wide scope at the global p
  • S

    Answered by

    Shekhar Anand

    7 years ago
    The answer to your question involves multiple dynamics and it is not possible to answer it in terms of a single factor. So, I'll try to include multiple factors for you to understand it better.
    Faculty: Both the colleges have equally knowledgeable faculty. However, professors in RVCE-CSE are inclined more towards research. This is the reason why you would see multiple patents coming out of the department. Also, CISCO has established COE (Center of Excellence) within the college wherein the company supports students innovations and fund their projects.
    Infrastructure: Both the colleges have multiple labs. RVCE has an added advantage of
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Himanshu Singh

    7 years ago
    Telecom Department of MSRIT:
    1) I would say that the faculty which the dept. has is very good. The teachers are not only good teaching-wise but they also make sure that the syllabus is completed and are always ready to help for everything, be it project related issues or attendance issues. Also, I would like to add that most of the teachers are very warm and friendly and always approachable. Telecommunication is not a very easy branch academic-wise when compared to other branches in MSRIT, only EEE is tougher than Telecom. CS and EC may be as tough as Telecom but surely not more. But I have also seen that in all these branches, stude

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