How are the placements of B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering from IIT, Kanpur?

0 5.6k Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Apoorv Rastogi | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur is one of the best government colleges of India. It is ranked among top 5 top 5 best engineering colleges of India.
    It offers many courses are out of which aerospace engineering is one of them. For Aerospace engineering, it has 55 seats.
    It is well known for its great infrastructure, knowledgeable faculty with the experience of about 5 to 10 years in the teaching field. Facilities provided are hostel, wifi, sports complex and labs with better equipment and machines.
    The placement cell of IIT-Kanpur is one of the best cells in India as it is really capable of attracting the major companies of the world
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    Answered by

    Shreemad Patel | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    Hello, if you are genuinely interested in Aerospace Engineering, the undergraduate course offered by IIT Kanpur is second to none as far as India is concerned. It has its own airstrip, Flight lab, and Wind Tunnel. I think that professors also have good relations with the air force base nearby - Chakeri Air Force Station (Kanpur Airport). You will get a lot of facilities here. I mean you have your own air field to work on and you can do well in this course if you are genuinely interested. IIT Kanpur has about 6/7 wind tunnels; low speed, high speed, supersonic, etc., and a good infrastructure for related research. The core jobs availab
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    Answered by

    Priyum Agrawal | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    There's this thing about aerospace engineering in India that if you really want to get into an aerospace company, a B.Tech degree is not enough to get you there unless you have an extraordinary profile and that is the reason why majority of students take UK Masters programme from one of the IITs, if they can make it there.
    Other than that, if by any chance you manage to get admission at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, you get yourself One Step Closer to getting a placement at ISRO.
    Coming back to the question, a B.Tech degree will just help you to get an average placement package of 8 to 9 lacs in one of the IT firms,
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    Answered by

    Satyam Chulania

    7 years ago
    Talking about aerospace engineering in IIT-Kanpur. Everyone knows IIT-Kanpur is one of the best government colleges in India. The core companies that visit the campus prefer the dual degree or M.Tech students. Moreover, B.Tech. But it is not like that B.Tech students do not get placed or have no scope. Big companies like Eaton, GE, Airbus and Honeywell, visit the campus. Apart from these, companies like L&T and ISRO also visit the campus.
    If we talk about the faculties out there, you will get the finest bunch of supportive and humble faculties. Aerospace is one of the oldest branches of IIT-Kanpur. Hence, research facilities are excelle
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    Answered by

    Deepak Singhanwal Current Student- IIT, Varanasi | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    Aerospace Engineering is one those disciplines which should be followed by people with genuine interest. It is not a core branch and if you are doing it out of some external influence, you can be faulty and sad later on. It is still catching momentum in the country and is a prolific branch. So, we cannot expect it to compete with the placements in those branches. It may not have the best placements but the Department of IIT-Kanpur is surely the best. They are very focused on the branch and the students. They have more facilities than any other IIT. They have their own airstrip, wind tunnel and other necessary amenities. There are many

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