Which is better Indian Economic Services or IAS?

0 973 Views | Posted 2 years ago
Asked by Anita

  • 3 Answers

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    Answered by

    jasveer singh | Contributor-Level 9

    2 years ago
    Hi Deepika,
    It depends on what you want to become in the future: a specialist officer in government or a district collector. Both are group A central services with the same pay scale and mostly similar perks. You can prefer Indian Economic Services for the following reasons:
    1. IES works as an economic specialist in government. They have good command of their domain, unlike IAS officers. They will serve in government as economic advisers, administrators, and planners.
    2. You can expect monthly performance-based incentives with this service, unlike IAS.
    3. IES work life is comparably balanced to that of IAS. Which has a lot of work load,
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Deeksha Dixit | Contributor-Level 10

    2 years ago
    It depends on what you want to become in the future: a specialist officer in government or a district collector. Both are group A central services with the same pay scale and mostly similar perks. You can prefer Indian Economic Services for the following reasons:
    1. IES works as an economic specialist in government. They have good command of their domain, unlike IAS officers. They will serve in government as economic advisers, administrators, and planners.
    2. You can expect monthly performance-based incentives with this service, unlike IAS.
    3. IES work life is comparably balanced to that of IAS. Which has a lot of work load, particularl
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manav Kishore | Contributor-Level 7

    2 years ago
    IAS is a high profile job with high social status and faster promotions. Indian Economic Service is a comparatively low profile service. Both IES officers and IAS officers are Class A Gazetted officers. However, the nature of their service reflects the difference in their repute and public recognition. An IAS officer holds more command over society and receives more recognition. As they are into general administration, they are closer to people and sometimes even hold control over law enforcement and judicial proceedings. They also support the legislature in ensuring the proper functioning of governmental systems. Even an IES officer h

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