How are the placements of B.Tech in Mathematics and Computing from IIT, Delhi?

0 11.3k Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Kunwar Bhanu Prakash Verma Civil Engineering NiT Agartala | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    Mathematics and Computing Engineering is an amalgamation of mathematics with computer science and financial engineering. This is a 4-year course. This course is available at Delhi Technological University and the Indian Institute of Technology.
    Top Recruiters include companies like Microsoft, Mphasis, Amazon India, L & T, and Avacor. The MnC students from IITs are offered amazing packages from reputed companies, some notable among them being Microsoft, Epic Systems (US), Visa Walmart, Netapp, Zynga, Arista Networks, Qualcomm, Open Sol, SISO, Citrix R&D, Whizdom Edu, etc. The good news is that since the number of students enrolled in thi
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

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    Deepak Singhanwal Current Student- IIT, Varanasi | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    Mathematics & Computing Engineering is a mixture of mathematics with computer science and financial engineering. Including the major areas in demand today, this course is of full value to the aspiring engineers. The course provides students with a thorough theoretical knowledge and also practical training in computer science, numerical computing and mathematical finance. This programme has been proposed due to the need for complex mathematics for modern scientific investigations and technological developments. The curriculum is intended to provide students with an in-depth theoretical background and practical training in computer scien
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    Shreemad Patel | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    Hello, first of all, let's talk about the branch itself - Mathematics and Computing. Almost all the CS courses are taught in mathematics and computing department but there is a difference. Mathematics and computing courses are more inclined towards mathematics and not much coding. It is you who will have to code as the professors in mathematics and computing department won't pay much heed. On successful completion of the course, students can find a job in software industries, financial institutions, and government organizations. The employment areas also cover Consulting Engineering firms, Pharmaceutical industry, Telecom industry, Ban
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    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    This course is available at Delhi Technological University and the Indian Institute of Technology. Top Recruiters include companies like Microsoft, Emphasis, Amazon India, L & T, and Avacor. The MnC students from IITs are offered amazing packages from reputed companies, some notable among them being Microsoft, Epic Systems (US), Visa Walmart, Netapp, Zynga, Arista Networks, Qualcomm, Open Sol, SISO, Citrix R&D, Whizdom Edu, etc. The good news is that since the number of students enrolled in this programme across all IITs are less so the average package becomes one among the highest.
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    Answered by

    Kundan Singh Qualified CII-IPATE 2020 | GATE 2021|B.Tech(CSE) | Guide-Level 12

    a year ago
    Mathematics and computing branch known as MC is almost similar to computer science and engineering.MC placement is pretty good at IIT-Delhi. Many students got multiple offers.The course curriculum is industrial oriented and is a mathematical course to develop problem-solving skills.
    Here are the highlights of placement statistics of mathematics and computing :-
    1) Highest domestic package offered: Rs 22 lakhs per annum
    2) Highest overseas offer: $100000
    3) Average domestic offer: Rs 5.2 lakhs per annum
    4) Average overseas offer: 35k USD per annum
    5) Lowest domestic offer: Rs 3 lakhs per annum
    6) Lowest overseas offer: 30000 USD per annum.
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    Answered by

    Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management. | Scholar-Level 17

    7 years ago
    According to the National Institution Ranking Framework, IIT Delhi ranks 4th among all engineering colleges in India and has seen great global rankings according to Nasscom.
    Computing mathematics engineering at IIT, Delhi is good and has great ROI. 90 percent placements recorded year on year for mathematics and computing.
    Placement scenario is as follows:-
    1) Total offers: 122
    2) Average package is Rs 11 lakhs per annum, the median is Rs 15 lakhs per annum and the highest is Rs 35 lakhs per annum by Rakuten.
    Majority of the software giants and consulting companies from silicon valley come here, be it Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Ado

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