What are some of the major differences between copywriting and art director in advertising agencies?

0 85 Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 3 Answers

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    Answered by

    Parveen Kumar Sharma Communication Skills Expert; Career and Life Coach | Guide-Level 14

    6 years ago
    The hierarchy or the organizational set up of an advertising agency keeps both these profiles and do have a different scope of work as well as a profile for them.
    A copywriter is a person who writes. This writing is of scripts of jingles for audio or video advertisement. This may be the text of a printed advt. material. The copywriter is responsible for composing the concept and bringing the words that make the best impact and create a brand of the advertised product.
    The art director is the person who does an altogether different but comprehensive work than a copywriter. It is the art director who designs an advertisement of print or a
  • R

    Answered by

    Rishika Mehra

    6 years ago
    Copywriting is a content specific job. A copywriter is a creative professional who writes ads and other persuasive pieces to attract a reader's attention. A copywriter produces a quality content in the form of slogans, jingles, short articles, brochure etc. that help a company sell their product. The copywriter needs to be creative, observant and should be a quick thinker.
    An art director, on the other hand, leads a team of all creative professionals in a company including copy writers. He/she runs the entire design team and is responsible to convert an idea, graphics and texts into a visual concept. An art director basically supervises
  • J

    Answered by

    Junaid Faiz

    6 years ago
    From a very simplistic point of view, art directors are the picture people and copywriters are the word people. And as some other people who answered this question mentioned, they both collaborate when generating concepts.
    However, one thing that should be mentioned is that part of the reason they are paired is not only to approach a problem from two different angles (the visual and the verbal) but also because they have much to learn from each other.
    The ultimate goal of most copywriters and art directors alike is to be made creative directors eventually. If and when they get to be creative director, they will have to approve, critiqu

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